20 October 2022

Australia’s internet the joke of the I.T. world year in year out

Australia is allegedly a first world country, but third world countries are having higher internet speeds than the ‘lucky country’ or rather colony.

The British outpost has been loosing its broadband ranking year after year, where the government reported that in December of 2021 Australia’s ranking fell from 54 to 57.

This year in September the ranking fell down to 71, from the same source, that being ookla.

Australia’s a ‘money for mates’ colony, where tenders are falsified in order for the mates of those in control who set up companies that get the tenders.

Substandard contractors are then obtained to carry out the work, in whichever industry is at play, be it building, I.T. etc in the process ripping off taxpayers and customers alike.

The way Australia’s internet is going, pretty soon, Eskimos on the back of yaks will have faster internet speeds

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