18 February 2024

India bans ‘private’ email service under false pretences?

Worldwide, governments hate the general population/serfs/plebs having ‘private’ communications, citing the obvious excuse, that being not crime but this next level thing called ‘terrorism’, where some nation’s governments are the very definition of terrorists.

End-to-end encrypted services such as Proton Mail, Signal, Telegram et al, are under attack by governments where in the colony called Australia, the uneducated MPs in government want the manufacturers to build a “systemic weakness” or a backdoor into the product.

Apple or Meta 'encrypted' products aren't truly 'private' as your communications data is handed over to authorities, once requested. 

They do not want the plebs to have ANY sort of (digital) privacy, where if they could in the colony, they would install a law that bans houses from having curtains/drapes/shutters.

The Indian government used a ‘convenient’ excuse to ban Proton Mail, alleging that hoax bomb threat was sent to 13 schools.

See article: https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/it-ministry-looks-to-block-proton-mail-on-request-of-tamil-nadu-police-101707938167006.html

The Indian government 'supports' the criminal actions of 'scammers' from call centres specifically set-up to rip-off westerners.  

As if they (the Indian government) cares that some pensioner in the US/Australia was robbed of their life savings, because if the government factually did care, these criminal actions would have stopped decades ago.

In any event, would this also have been the case if a Hotmail or Gmail address was used?

Was the source of the email an actual hoax or a job seconded by the government?

In reality we will never know, as governments lie to people every single day.

What we do know is that end-to-end encryption services are under attack!

We therefore encourage more people to use them and support them financially if one can.

This action is part of the global Nanny State agenda.

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