09 March 2024

Fuel Rip off as government does NOTHING!

Aussies have been getting ripped off by the petrochemical industry for decades, and the people in government have stood by doing nothing about it.

Why should they? The higher the prices, the more tax is ripped from the ‘consumer’s’ wallet to feed the leeches blood sucking sociopaths in government.

The (Labour Day) long weekend is upon us in a few states; SA, ACT, Tas, Vic, which means MANY people jump in their cars to get away from the hustle and bustle.

So what do the companies do?

They jack up the price 50 cents per litre to $2.319 per litre.

No outrage from motorists?

- Obviously quite satisfied with the price hike.

No ‘Royal Commission’ into this decades long scam?

- No need, as nothing will change just like it didn’t with the RC into the banking & financial institutions industry.

That’s life in a corporatocracy/totalitarian colony, ‘advertised’ as a democracy.

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