04 July 2024

AI Generated low quality content, the new normal?

We’ve come to a new age, where A.I. generated ‘content’ will saturate the internet.

The worst part about it that it’s absolute garbage, low quality and low value to the user.

It's bad enough that Google has screwed the internet, where approximately 60% of one's traffic now is 'advertising' material, we the 'consumers' or products (if the service is 'free') have to contend with technologies to reduce that amount of unwanted/unnecessary advertising material that bombards our daily lives, and now we have to deal with this new 'fake news' like material.

The problem there is that this type of content will not be moderated, whereas conversely MANY people's posts are deleted if not in line with a political or medical agenda in play.

See the above 'content' within the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1jqj5B_4GA

Too bad, so sad, 'we' (the 'consumers') lose, again!

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