30 July 2024

Victoria Police: Public is number one enemy

VicPol uniforms were blue, now they're the same colour as 1930s German government 'enforcers',

 deliberate by design.

Well, here is an uncomfortable truth ALL three tiers (Executive, Judiciary and Parliament) don't want you, the plebs/serfs/herd/commoners/general population to know.

First and foremost, the people in government are supposed to represent the people (you know: 'Whereas the people of...") , which today they do not, but rather work for the best interests of corporations instead of the people.

INSTEAD, according to the government, the stinky serfs are first and foremost the number one enemy of the 'state'.

This is strongly instilled in the colony's police forces or the 'brotherhood' which now employs women, as described by ex Victorian police officer Krystle Mitchell.

The foundations of the colony's (see post: Australia the self governing colony) police force are quite wobbly, as the police force was not made up of 'honourable' people, but rather criminals.

What an EXCELLENT choice, but cui bono?

Each state of the colony, has a high portion of policy enforcers committing criminal acts, where only a small portion make it to the knowledge of the commoners, as reported by the 'investigative' journalists within the mainstream media.

See video:

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