13 October 2024

How the government SCREWED Aussies - " The country is f**ked"

'Australia is a lucky country, run mainly by second-rate people who share its luck.'

The first part of the quote from the book by Donald Horne from the mid 1960's, is what that mainstream media tells the serfs, but they DELIBRATELY neglect to follow up with the full sentence, which factually condemns the people in control.

Some 60 years later Matt Barrie, states a more realistic and accurate description.

Australia ‘should be the richest country in the world’ but instead is ‘f**ked’.

The colony's (deliberately) incompetent 'leaders' are plunging the population into a totalitarian state 'upgrading' it from an (oligarchical) authoritarian one, but that's another topic for another day.

Freelancer chief executive Matt Barrie who appeared on the Equity Mates podcast last week for a wide-ranging discussion covering the housing market, mass immigration, energy policy and cost-of-living, has given an accurate and brutally honest description of the state of Australia, period.

Australia's housing market is a huge Ponzi scheme instigated and supported by the 'Australian Government' (LLC, ™, ®, ©, etc etc) designed to deliberately screw the Australian population.

The 'problem' there is the people are quite satisfied with this, as their silence is acquiescence!

See full 52 minute interview:

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