10 March 2025

VicPol ‘just doin’ my job’ – NO YOU’RE NOT, re: lawful summonses

MANY police will claim ignorance or “that’s what it says here” with regards to some paperwork they possess, or even show you a spreadsheet claiming it’s a warrant, as many have done so to their unsuspecting victims.

The Victoria Police Act of 2013, is a law regarding how officers must act.

There is no if/but/I didn’t know, excuse.

Part 4 of the above mentioned Act, pertains to Police duties, powers, entitlements, protection and liability

Paying attention to:

Section 56 Execution of process and warrants

(1) A police officer has a duty to execute—

        (b) all lawful summonses, warrants, orders and directions directed to him or         her by a court or tribunal.

The key word here is “lawful”.

From the 2020’s onwards the state’s police forces have been acting unlawfully, causing bodily harm, trespass to the person, unlawful incarceration, installing horrific violence on ‘persons’ with total impunity.

NO officer has been charged with a criminal offence or had to pay out of his/her own pocket from criminal actions, and there is no 'remedy' for the victims of violence by default, where persuing a remedy is a deliberately time and energy consuming process not to mention its cost.

Australia's legal system/business is deliberately stacked against the victims of government's criminal actions.

A judge from the County Court of Victoria ruled that Victoria Police have acted in an unlawful way, against the good people of Melbourne that have gathered in order to have their say about a particular health matter in play.

Victoria Police also acted under dictation and had zero regards to their ‘unlawful’ actions, further cementing the fact that Victorians live in police state.

Now here comes another aspect that many in government want to keep a secret, and perpetuate the legal lie that tribunals, like VCAT, have some sort of judical powers when issuing orders that require the actions of Victoria Police.

To make this very clear, when VCAT issues an order that requires the actions of Victoria Police, VCAT has no judicial power to do so, meaning the actions of Victoria Police on a person are then unlawful.

See post:

VCAT acts beyond its power – unenforceable judicial decisions!

06 March 2025

VCAT acts beyond its power – unenforceable judicial decisions!

MANY Australian authorities act beyond the scope of what they are lawfully allowed.

What is worse is they also gaslight you during this process.

Recently, approximately one year ago, Queensland’s Supreme Court ruled that the so called COVID-19 vaccine mandate for frontline workers was unlawful.

See article:


SO during this mandate, the authorities did not check whether they had the lawfully enacted instrument for the ‘mandate’ to occur, they just forced the trial drug on frontline workers because that's what they wanted to do.

If you did not comply, your employment would be terminated.

Therefore those that did not comply were unlawfully terminated, where the corrupt Anglo-Masonic legal business did not offer a remedy for the victims of government abuse.

VCAT (Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal) as its name suggests is a tribunal.

 VCAT is enacting one the largest legal cons on the unsuspecting Victorian public.

The current, as of 23 June 2023, president of VCAT judge Edward (Ted) Winslow Woodward, pictured left, together with every single member issuing orders are complicit in this fraud causing harm to many respondents.

Will this ever come out like in the above mentioned Supreme Court case from Queensland?

Well, it’s already out since 2018, and it’s a one up better as it’s from the High Court of Australia.

Will the media pick up on this? Did they inform the general population of this from 2018?

Let’s do a quick recap on the unlawful actions of VCAT with regards to MANY orders issued by them.

First and foremost:

  • The High Court's decision Burns v Corbett significantly narrowed the jurisdiction of commissions and tribunals.

  • The High Court held that the Australian Constitution precludes a State tribunal from exercising federal and state jurisdiction, as tribunals are not Courts and cannot exercise judicial powers and jurisdiction.

A tribunal or Commission not being a 'court of a State' cannot adjudicate disputes involving any of the matters set out in ss 75 and 76 of the Australian Constitution, (see the sections below) even when the dispute involves the application of State legislation. The decision affects all areas of law including:

- anti-discrimination disputes,

- residential tenancy disputes,

- building and construction disputes.

A State law cannot impair or detract from the operation of a Commonwealth law by impairing the Commonwealth law’s ‘conditional and universal’ application, except to the extent that it has a ‘legal operation or practical effect within the universe of the conditional legal operation of the Commonwealth law’. Impairing or detracting from s 39(2) of the Judiciary Act is to say that the Parliament has made a complete, exhaustive and exclusive statement on federal jurisdiction: ‘It is necessarily to say that the Commonwealth Parliament has not only provided positively for the conditional investiture of federal jurisdiction in State courts but has also stipulated negatively for the non-investiture of any jurisdiction with respect to any of those matters other than in State courts.’ Gageler J noted the difficulty of finding any such ‘negative penumbra’ in the text of s 39(2), and stated that the more fundamental problem lies in finding a source of Commonwealth legislative power: namely that s 77(iii) does not allow Parliament to confer judicial power on a tribunal that is not a State court.

The Industrial Relations Tribunals and tribunals of the State such as VCAT and the Fair Work Commission all fall into the same category, 

- they fail to be courts and cannot provide you with an enforceable judicial decision.

Let's see the case file:

THEREFORE, ANY Order that is enforced by law enforcement, e.g. Victoria Police is done so unlawfully.

Tortfeasor is a term worth exploring.

Have you been harmed by VCAT?


Original jurisdiction of High Court.

    In all matters--

  (i.)   Arising under any treaty:

  (ii.)   Affecting consuls or other representatives of other countries:

  (iii.)   In which the Commonwealth, or a person suing or being sued on behalf of the Commonwealth, is a party:

  (iv.)   Between States, or between residents of different States, or between a State and a resident of another State:

  (v.)   In which a writ of Mandamus or prohibition or an injunction is sought against an officer of the Commonwealth:

the High Court shall have original jurisdiction. 


Additional original jurisdiction.

    The Parliament may make laws conferring original jurisdiction on the High court in any matter--

  (i.)   Arising under this Constitution, or involving its interpretation:

  (ii.)   Arising under any laws made by the Parliament:

  (iii.)   Of Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction:

  (iv.)   Relating to the same subject-matter claimed under the laws of different States. 

02 March 2025

Merri-bek corrupt city council governed by looney left. Discounts for First Nations: Wokest Oz Council.

Australians are deliberately over-administered by so called ‘authorities’ where in many instances these authorities act beyond their limited powers.

Today’s city councils are not the lawfully enacted departments of the state as ‘municipal offices’ of the past, as required the Commonwealth Constitution.

In Victoria city councils will tell you that they have their ‘authority’ from the Local Government Act 1979.

But is this so called authority lawfully enacted?

The short answer is no.

City Councils in general are a cesspit of ‘money for mates’ jobs where many unqualified persons are in place, rorting the rate payers.

Is there a so called ‘Royal Commission’ into this?

Of course not, as this should also expose the illegitimacy of those in office in the councils, which would then be detrimental to the Victorian government as this would expose the monumental fraud perpetuated by the government on the good people of Victoria.

Corruption in City Councils is rife, where in one instance only, the whole ‘City Council’ of Brimbank was sacked.

The same action should also occur at the City Council of ‘Merri-bek’ formerly known as the City of Moreland, whose name change was not necessary not warranted, but rather imposed on the people, to keep the positions of those in office justified, as if they care about the Indigenous people.

See the pathetic lunacy by those within Merri-Bek in this short 7 minute video:

28 February 2025

Mozilla has a "license" to all of your data from Firefox now.

This is big news in the 'browser' world.

As a result of the above notice by Mozilla, there was a bit of backlash, 

so then there was an update notice:

Mozilla then went on to explain in their notice:

Did Mozilla disclose to you that they own an advertising company called Anonym, no?

To make matters worse if someone stated that Mozilla was apolitical, they'd be lying.


Do you STILL want you use Firefox?

27 February 2025

Apple no longer secure in the UK, Australia next?

The ‘motherland’ has ordered corporations like Apple to put backdoors into its encryption service, to obviously catch all the terrorists and also criminals on Epstein’s list, right?

Don't be silly of course not! It's to surveil the crap out of the serfs/plebs/commoners.

NOTHING to do with the global elite criminals, they stay untouched.

According to Apple, rather complying with this order and compromising it’s ADP (Advanced Data Protection), it states that it will removed it altogether.

BUT there this one fundamental problem.

Corporations and governments lie, or rather people in governments and corpoations lie to the people their 'consumers' every single day where NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements) rule between the corporations and governments, which technically are a corporations aggregate.

Another problem is that Apple’s operating system and programs (or apps) and are closed source, therefore no one can factually check if there isn’t or wasn’t a backdoor in the operating system, or the likes of SS7 Protocol.

If you truly value your privacy and security, then Apple products are not recommended to be used, where open source programs and operating systems on personal computers and smartphones are a batter alternative.

In any event it's all about the global nanny state agenda and an attack on people's so called right to 'free speech', together with the surveillance of the masses in order to monitor then modify their behaviour.

As we all should know, Australia is part of the FiveEyes ‘Anglosphere’ global surveillance network.

Whatever the ‘bosses’ say, the subservient follows, is how it goes here in this colony.

Who are these bosses?

The likes of, but not limited to; the UN, WEF, WHO, IMF, BlackRock, Vanguard and many other 'faceless men' that the serfs are not allowed to know about.

Australians live under a police state, a regime where ‘free speech’ now lives in a museum, as of the passing of a new law in both houses.

Kim Jong-Un, we're knocking on your door, no thanks to people's silence equalling acquiescence.

26 February 2025

How banks have deliberately compromised your account security

In certain circles, banks and financial services institutions are regarded as the world’s largest criminal organisations.

After all, they not only obtain money printed out of thin air, but also transfer this to tangible assets, where if you (the serf) were to do the same you’d be charged for fraud.

The above is what fiat currency is a described by the Australian Oxford Dictionary in 2010.

One of the worst parts about financial fraud is that governemnts worldwide 'support' this action.

In Australia, there was this farcical action called the Royal Commission into Misconduct in Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry in 2017-2019, where not one of the over 10,000 applicants received a remedy.

That is how corrupt and supportive the 'brotherhood' in the Australian government is of the criminal actions of the 'banksters'. 

The push for governments and corporations to leave behind the paper world, including physical cash, is for the cheaper administration of the plebs/serfs/commoners/corporate (nee cannon) fodder, where data aggregation is the ultimate goal.

People are sold a deliberate lie for going cashless.

Using ‘plastic’ or cards, is marketed as being secure and easier and quicker to use than cash, i.e. more convenient for the shopper/consumer.

In an earlier iteration of the card, a swipe was the method at the terminal where a magnetic strip was read by the terminal.

Sure there were problems with this as we all should comprehend that technology is not infalable.

As technology progressed, the next phase using an RFID was marketed as more secure and even quicker method as it was a 'tap and go' action, where the ‘more secure’ is a deliberate lie.

ANY so called Information Technology security expert should know that RFID is easily hackable, where those institutions that have implemented this and put it out into the consumer world would have known about this.

Sure more tech savvy people will say that this threat can be mitigated by purchasing a 'RFID wallet', but that is not the point as by default the card is less secure, when given to the customer in its original format.

See article from 2015:

RFID Credit Cards: What you don’t know WILL hurt you!

A card skimmer may not be that easy to spot at an ATM.

So why did they compromise your security?

For the sake of convenience, so that it would be even easier than before for you to go cashless.

Soon there may be no cash, no cards just access to numbers in a so called 'account' via, the next most 'secure' thing that being biometrics.

All part of the Order of the New World.

You'll own nothing and be happy (if you're brainwashed), thanks Klaus!

P.S. on the topic of 'consumers', the (Victorian) government considers 'native' Australians that are recipients of the government's health care businesses as 'consumers' as seen in the following screencapture:

24 February 2025

The peaceful settling of Australia - Licence To Shoot Aboriginals

No Treaty right?

No 'honourable' conduct right?

What do you expect from UK pillagers and pirates?

This is what the imperial government and the Crown supported.

Let's not forget 40 years of Martial Law once they occupied this land.

A fruitful morning would be having tea and scones after a morning's culling of Aboriginals, seeing who would bring back the most skulls.

The actions of an honourable Crown Inc, and imperial government, surely not?

"Splendid show chaps".

20 February 2025

Victoria Police leaked email from Wayne Cheesman as Patton resigns

Victoria Police are part of the judicial arm of the corrupt Anglo-Masnonic setup governent that realistically acts against the 'best interests' of the general population.

This was most evident from 2020 onwards, where the corrupt Andrews government was allowed to install Martial Law like scenario on the good people of Victoria.

Add to this Victoria Police acted under dictation (from Andrews) which is illegal and no mainstream media outlet is talking about this.

Victoria Police Commissioner Shane Patton, oversaw his 'troops on the ground' assault peaceful protesters.

Patton oversaw his troops arrest the vulnerable as they were easy targets.

Pregnant women and little old ladies were easy pickings for the coward troops.

What about a 1 on 1 with MMA fighter Nick Patterson?

Cowards don't do that, they go at least 5 on one WITH weapons!

It seems that a Victorian judge had to act in the 'correct' manner publicly slamming Victoria Police for unlawful violence.

One of  the worst parts about all this is that Patton 'decided' to leave and wasn't removed as falesly stated by the Herald Sun in today's printed article:

Patton should have been removed immediately, but that's not how the colonialists work.

Where the first job of a government is to look after the safety its people, as stated by then Speaker of the House, Bronwyn Bishop in an ABC episode of Q&A on the Magna Carta aired in 2015.

What a clown show! 

See the two page leaked email:


17 February 2025

Corrupt Victoria Police and government cover up atrocities

VICTORIA - human rights abusers.

The corporation aggregate known as the ‘State Government of Victoria’ together with Victoria Police should be in the courts and brought to the attention of the international courts for human rights abuse, just like in the case of Corinna Horvath, but this time there should be a class action lawsuit.

It is very doubtful that a class action within the colony’s corrupt legal system would actually result in a remedy, as history will attest to this.

The Victorian Government and its police force has acted in the style of 1930’s Germany, where even the police have the same colours now, as the ‘guard’ of the day did back then.

Abuser's mentality: - fear police.

The colony's police forces have the abuser's mentality that you the plebs/serfs etc should fear police as New South Wales police commisisoner Mick Fuller stated

Fuller should have been picked up on this and removed from office, but as we know that did not happen as the sociopathis in control support this kind of behaviour from their publicly sponsored 'private militia'.

Victoria Police a 1930s Germany style of action against the general population where their belief is that people should fear the police and beaten into subservience, where this attitude is reflected in actions by police from 2020 onwards.

Black the 'in' colour for 1930's Germany and now Victoria Police, coincidence?

Police Commissioner Shane Patton should have been removed from office, as theis wsa a breach of public trust, and not allowed to decide to leave his role.

So what do the 'brethen' in the corrupt government do?

They put all these people, e.g. Dan Andrews et al, in other cushy jobs.

This is how parthetic the leaders of the Victorian Govenrment are, protectionism at its finest.

The general population is now aware that Victoria police has criminals committing paeophilia, family violence and rape, where the ‘survey’ pool is very narrow and limited to a very short time span.

IF the real figures were to be revealed, then Victoria Police should not be in charge of ‘public safety’ as they are factually a danger to the community.

That is just one of the problems the police face, where the other one is of human rights abuse from 2020 onwards, not only in Victoria but throughout the other states and territories of this colony.

The State Government of Victoria and Victoria Police, ‘Human Rights’ abusers.

With the ‘blessing’ of the Police Commissioner Shane Patton, police thugs were told to arrest the vulnerable, like pregnant mothers, the elderly, meaning that these thugs acted under dictation, an action that is illegal.

Pregnan Ballarat woman Zoe Buhler unlawfully arrested 1930s Germany style. 

They committed “illegal violence” against the general population.

They also committed unlawful arrests.

WHERE can a remedy be found?

In 1996 Corinna Horvath's 'privacy' was breached by an unlawful raid, unlawfully arrested and violently beaten by Victoria Police, where no real remedy was offered to her by the corrupt Anglo-Masonic justice business, where after all it's 'just' business.

As a result of no remedy domestically, she then had to go to the United Nations Human Rights Commission, under the case file Horvath v Australia (HRC, 2014).

THEREFORE from 2014, Victoria Police are aware that they MUST follow human rights law, where if not a remedy can be found there.

For those who have been subjected to an injection against their will or without 'free consent', where "if you do not take this, you will lose your job" the following applies:

Under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights


Article 7

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.

The document below is in response to the unlawul action of government and police from 2020 onwards during the so called 'unprecedented' global health crisis, but may be used on other circumstances such as:

Under Section 75 of The Constitution, “In all matters: (i) arising under any treaty”.

If the state is not co-operating in abusing your rights under the treaty's protections take your matter to

the High Court of Australia, with the view to a Human Rights Commission inquiry.

See document 'Legal Remedies for all Australians':

In any event, that's life in a (penal) colony!

14 February 2025

Victoria Police paedophilia, family violence and rape culture hidden from the public

Some should have heard the line "We've investiged ourselves and found we did nothing wrong"

Well that applies to all the colony’s police forces, but only one is in the spotlight at the moment.

The people in the Victorian government, together with their private militia that being Victoria Police have been on a propaganda drive called Towards Zero, where the (unachievable) target of zero road toll deaths is being advertised, where in the propaganda piece, the fundamental question is asked:

"So now what do you think would be a more acceptable number?"

So let's apply the same reasoning to Victoria Police.

  • What this the number of paedophiles 'we' (as a society) should accept in Victoria Police?

  • What is the number of rapists we should accept in Victoria Police?
  • What is the number of 'wife bashers' we should accept in Victoria Police?

Victoria Police have allegedly invesigated 683 employees only in the past five years, 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2024, which realistically is not good enough, irrespective of how they are divided, where this only applies to reported matters, where realistically 1 in 10 are only reported.

A reality is that Victoria Police lie every single day, where they lie or rather provide false information and tamper with evidence in the courts, they provide false information in traffic stops and a whole range of other scenarios.

Corruption in Victoria Police, the government of Victoria and the legal businesses called the courts is rife.

A classic example of this is the violent (unlawful) assault of  Corinna Horath then 21 years old in 1996, where thugs in Victoria Police beat her to an inch of her life.

No wonder Victoria Police has 'issues' with wife bashers, as this stems back decades if not generations and not just from 2019-2024.

The corrupt courts then aquit Victoria Police, where realistically no real remedy was offered domestically, and the matter was taken to The United Nations in 2014 where the Victorian government and its private milita breached the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) after failing to compensate a woman viciously bashed by police.

So, the government's corrupt wheels of justice did not offer the victim a remedy, where it took The United Nations and 20 years for Ms. Horvath to obtain this remedy, where in reality one can die in the process before a remedy is obtained, where those in govenrment hope for this, hence the deliberately slow 'wheels of justice' turn.

Victoia Police gets sued a lot, where this fact is deliberately kept out of the view of the public eye with NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements) victims of police/govenrment MUST sign in order to receive financial compensation.

The problem with Victoria Police getting sued is that taxpayers foot the bill and not the actual officers commiting the crimes, protectionism at its finest.

After all, the first job of a government is to look after its people, and not the serfs, plebs, general population.

From a few years ago, the figure was $12 million per annum, where now it's more.

Also keep in mind, that Victoria Police are a thug force, where this was confirmed during the so called pandemic, where Victoria Police 'officers' or rather thugs had no legally issues powers to violently assault people in the streets, but they did anyway.

In reality to the latest publicly accessible information, the Victorian govenrmernt and police are concealing the real numbers from the public.

This is the beginning of a monumental cover-up.

Victorians live under a secretive police regime period where the general population are fine with this as their silence is acquiescence.

The system is not broken it is set up this way deliberately.

11 February 2025

Exposing Corrupt Real Estate Agents: Ray White Bankstown

- “Cui bono” (Latin phrase for ‘who benefits’) is a fundamental question when it comes to actions like corruption. 

- Who are the victims of this corruption?

Australia’s Real Estate industry is rife with corruption, where there is little action from the government to kerb this behaviour.


Because the government benefits from this, where the higher the prices, the more real estate agents can rip off people, the more tax dollar on the bureaucrat coffers.

The government is responsible for the housing crisis and the general population thinks/expects the same people in government that created the problem for the serfs/plebs to fit it for them?

Yeah, nah.

The victims of this fraudulent industry are the good people of Australia, the serfs, plebs those pesky immigrant banks slaves that drive the 'economy'.

The goverment doesn't 'care' about the gen. pop. pool, never has never will.

Because, after all they're disposable 'resources', period.

The government has installed austerity in the is colony where it’s going to only get worse, where it will be Nirvana for those in control if it can get to a level like in Nth Korea.

So Ray White Bankstown gave the following financial advice to its customers:

“In some cases we ask you do all that you can to borrow the money from other sources (i.e. Your family, friend, employer, bank, credit cards, pawnbroker.) should you not be able to make a payment on time.”

Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) clearly states in its Newsroom article from 2020, that it continues to crackdown on unlicensed operators.

Information obtained from a confidential source indicates that Ray White Bankstown does not hold an AFS licence nor are authorised representatives of an AFS licensee.

Since the above document has been not only posted on ‘social media’, but also mentioned in the mainstream media, will the Directors or the following people within Ray White Bankstown face legal consequences or even action from ASIC?

Tell us what you think in the comments section.

10 February 2025

During Australia’s worsening ‘housing crisis’ government doubles Indian intake

PROOF that the government hates the people, not to be confused with ‘its people’*....

Aussies never had a ‘housing crisis’.

The Commonwealth government of yesteryear looked after the general population providing enough housing associated with natural growth rate and immigration levels.

Those people in government have been usurped by low quality, low moral corporate whores, working for corporations, like BlackRock, Vanguard and other banking & financial services institutions and not ‘the people’.

Over the past few decades, the government orchestrated a build up of this behemoth today that is called the housing crisis in order to inflict pain, suffering and financial hardship on the general population for the sake of the government’s coffers or as they put it ‘the economy’.

In the United States in a mid sized city like Melbourne not that long ago, the consideration that an inflow of 700 per week is too much for the city to handle.

By comparison the Australian authorities have flooded Melbourne with approximately 2,500 low quality ‘slaves’ per week, creating havoc on the general population.

Prior to a health event in 2020 the Australian Governmment imported between 130-200k corporated fodder units per year. where even during the height of the health scare between 30-40k per year where imported, into Victoria but the general population was under Martial Law like conditions, locked up for their safety at night when the government brought in 'plane people'.

Now as mentioned before, the flood gates have opened up to whatever trash nations want to get rid of from their gene pool is imported to this colony.

The surprising truth of open defecation in India | Sangita Vyas | TEDxWalledCity

"Most rural Indians deficate in the open. Every day 500 million people .. go in the fields rather than use a toilet or latrine."

The worst part about this is that the government is going back to its roots where it’s in the business of importing large amount of criminals into this (still) colony.

The crime sprees across some of Australia’s major cities are deliberately under reported by police and the mainstream media in order not to alert the population as to the severity of the problem that the government has created.

In reality there is no deportation, where all are bailed to commit more crimes against the good people of Australia.

This is a deliberate policy to screw Aussies over.

The few so called deportations are there just so save face.

Australia was a good nation, ‘a lucky country… run mainly by second-rate people who share its luck’, where that applied from the 1960’s.

Today’s it’s worse, where Australia is run by taxpayer rorting, total scum of the Earth.

The reality is that Aussies are run by a highly organised criminal syndicate, which has its own 'private militial' funded by taxpayers.

As a result of opening the flood gates into Australia, the government has left many people homeless, given way too many mental health issues, and many have also suicided as as a result of hopelessness.

“How many is too many” with reference to the Victorian government’s road toll propaganda campaign, Towards Zero, which they are fully aware that it's a farce.

So who cares about the serfs dying off as a result of government oppression?

Well not the low moral people in the governmnemt, of course.

*" The first job of a government is to look after the safety of its people", meaning the Executive, Parliament and Judicature Judicature, where the pesky peasants are not anywhere on the list.

Australia is a corporate criminal's paradise, especially when you're supported by the brotherhood.

That's life in a free range penal colony called Australia.


07 February 2025

Victoria Police defrauded taxpayers but only two charged?

Victoria Police is a corrupt organisation committing criminal offences, every single day, be it on the streets or in the courtroom, they commit criminal offences, where the general population are ignorant of this.

Two police officers, Leading Senior Constables Peter Patrick White, 54, and Jaclyn Cushen, 44,  appeared at the Broadmeadows Magistrates’ Court this month accused of pocketing nearly $15,000 through dishonest claims.

This occurred as a result of an internal investigation by the Professional Standards Command Investigations Department (PSCID), which uncovered a pattern of deceptive claims of wage payments which occurred during the unlawful lockups by then Victorian premier Daniel Andrews in 2021.

But the real problem there is that the PSCID has not acknowledged that this was a widespread action by police, and not only an ‘isolated’  one where only two officers were caught.

Information has been recently obtained from a source on the condition of anonymity, that the actual number is more in the hundreds and that the PSCID is deliberately concealing this fact.

The judiciary (magistrates, judges) generally ‘misbehaves’ in matters concerning corruption in the third tier of government known as the Judicature.

Also, the Herald Sun last week reported that Victoria Police’s Sexual Offences and Family Violence Unit (SOFVU) has investigated more than 680 of its own officers in the last five years - an average of almost 140 a year and up to three a week.

Almost 270 of SOFVU’s investigations looked into claims against officers that alleged predatory behaviour, sexual harassment or inappropriate comments.

Since this matter of fraud has made it into the public domain, the judiciary has to seem that it is doing its job without bias and ‘independently’ which it is not.

See article:

Courts acting under dictation owned by financial services institutions

Can you truly trust the police to 'protect' you if they commit fraud and violence against the population? 

03 February 2025

Lex Fridman another internet fraud?

There are too many people nowadays who are not what they portray to be.

It's too easy today to forge a fraudulent identity online where people pretend to be what they're not.

From 'social media's' 'influencers' to to finance and business 'gurus' (e.g. Robert Kiyosaki, of Rich Dad Poor Dad fame) to so called professionals in academia.

This can all come crashing to an end when some people start doing a 'deep dive' into who you really are.

Let's take a closer look at Lex Fridman, where a Wikipedia post says the following at the time of this writing:

Lex Fridman (/ˈfrdmən/; born 15 August 1983) is an American computer scientist and podcaster. Since 2018, he has hosted the Lex Fridman Podcast, where he interviews notable figures from various fields such as science, technology, sports, and politics.

Fridman rose to prominence in 2019 after Elon Musk praised a study Fridman authored at MIT, which concluded that drivers remained focused while using Tesla's semi-autonomous driving system. The study was criticized by AI experts and was not peer-reviewed.[4][5] That year Fridman transitioned to an unpaid role at MIT AgeLab,[4] and since 2023 has worked as a research scientist at the MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS).[6]

Early life and education

Alexey Alexandrovich Fridman was born in Chkalovsk, Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic and grew up in Moscow.[7][4] He is Jewish.[8] His father, Alexander Fridman, is a plasma physicist and professor at Drexel University. His brother Gregory was also a professor at Drexel.[4]

When he was about 11, soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Fridman's family moved from Russia to the Chicago area.[4][9] He attended Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville, Illinois.[10] He then went on to obtain B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science at Drexel University in 2010,[11] and completed his Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering at Drexel in 2014.[12] His PhD dissertation, Learning of Identity from Behavioral Biometrics for Active Authentication, was completed under the advisement of engineering educators Moshe Kam and Steven Weber and sought to "investigate the problem of active authentication on desktop computers and mobile devices".[13]



In 2014, Fridman was hired by Google to continue his dissertation work on the use of AI for identity authentication, but left the company after only six months stating that he prefers the "chaos of research and the academic environment".[12] In 2015, he moved to MIT's AgeLab to work on "psychology and big-data analytics to understand driver behavior."[4]

In 2019, Fridman published a non-peer-reviewed study about Tesla Autopilot finding that drivers using semi-autonomous vehicles stayed focused, contrasting with established research on how humans interact with automated systems. Following his Tesla Autopilot study, Fridman was flown to Tesla offices for an interview with Elon Musk. Fridman's study on Tesla Autopilot was criticized for its methodology by Missy Cummings, a professor at Duke University and advisor for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, who described it as "deeply flawed". AI researcher Anima Anandkumar suggested Fridman should submit his study for peer review before seeking press coverage.[4][5] Following the interview with Musk, viewings of his podcast episodes increased significantly. The study was later removed from MIT's website.[4]

Following the publication of the study, he left AgeLab and took up an unpaid role in MIT's Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics.[4] As of 2023, he is a research scientist at the MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS).[6][14]


But is is true what the wikipedia article states?

Some people even threathen to sue Wikipedia, if the truth is 'unflattering' to them, or maybe if it just hurts their feelings.

Telstra's CEO Solomon Trujillo, threatened to sue Wikipedia, where someone public the truth redarding his business dealings in the United States before he 'fled' to Australia to become head of a Telecom's giant. 

See article: https://solomontrujillo.blogspot.com/ which is different from today's Wikipedia page on "Sol Trujillo", where there is no 'Controversies' section, how convenient.

Let's see what a couple of people have to say about Mr. Fridman.

Is Lex Fridman a FRAUD?: (12m19s)

The Dangerous Truth of Lex Fridman: (14m08s)