The place that everyone knows as Australia is actually a colony, and in this colony corruption is rife.
At the end of the [business] day, Australia can be regarded as a crime scene, but that's another story worthy of a few tomes.
So who pays for all this corruption?
Do the politicians pay for it?
Do the 'money for mates' setup corporations pay for it?
NO, it is 'we, the people' who pay for it, and dearly too.
ALL these project blow outs are are rort at the taxpayers expense, where there 'should' be an inquiry where heads are to roll, but that will never happen in this corrupt land.
The royal commission into the banking and finance industry did not compensate one single applicant, nor did any corporate heads get the axe.
The NBN project was a rort at the taxpayer's expense, where a substandard 'essential service' was provided. but as we see, no inquiry in sight.
See public news media article:
Australia, an alleged First World nation, where thrid world countries have quicker internet.
That's life in "The Lucky Country".
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