In certain circles, banks and financial services institutions are regarded as the world’s largest criminal organisations.
After all, they not only obtain money printed out of thin air, but also transfer this to tangible assets, where if you (the serf) were to do the same you’d be charged for fraud.
The above is what fiat currency is a described by the Australian Oxford Dictionary in 2010.
One of the worst parts about financial fraud is that governemnts worldwide 'support' this action.
In Australia, there was this farcical action called the Royal Commission into Misconduct in Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry in 2017-2019, where not one of the over 10,000 applicants received a remedy.
That is how corrupt and supportive the 'brotherhood' in the Australian government is of the criminal actions of the 'banksters'.
The push for governments and corporations to leave behind the paper world, including physical cash, is for the cheaper administration of the plebs/serfs/commoners/corporate (nee cannon) fodder, where data aggregation is the ultimate goal.
People are sold a deliberate lie for going cashless.
Using ‘plastic’ or cards, is marketed as being secure and easier and quicker to use than cash, i.e. more convenient for the shopper/consumer.
In an earlier iteration of the card, a swipe was the method at the terminal where a magnetic strip was read by the terminal.
Sure there were problems with this as we all should comprehend that technology is not infalable.
As technology progressed, the next phase using an RFID was marketed as more secure and even quicker method as it was a 'tap and go' action, where the ‘more secure’ is a deliberate lie.
ANY so called Information Technology security expert should know that RFID is easily hackable, where those institutions that have implemented this and put it out into the consumer world would have known about this.
Sure more tech savvy people will say that this threat can be mitigated by purchasing a 'RFID wallet', but that is not the point as by default the card is less secure, when given to the customer in its original format.
See article from 2015:
RFID Credit Cards: What you don’t know WILL hurt you!
So why did they compromise your security?
For the sake of convenience, so that it would be even easier than before for you to go cashless.
Soon there may be no cash, no cards just access to numbers in a so called 'account' via, the next most 'secure' thing that being biometrics.
All part of the Order of the New World.
You'll own nothing and be happy (if you're brainwashed), thanks Klaus!
P.S. on the topic of 'consumers', the (Victorian) government considers 'native' Australians that are recipients of the government's health care businesses as 'consumers' as seen in the following screencapture:
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