16 September 2017

Mobile speed camera fines are ILLEGAL

An enormous amount of detail can be written into why a or rather any fine before (prior to) a court appearance is not lawful, where the details are not going to be discussed in this post, but rather can be found in various other posts within the Corporate Australia blog.

SO, we'll start off with why a certain 'category' of fine can be dismissed IMMEDIATELY.

Let's look at one aspect of law that is advertised by your friendly 'city councils'.

They state that "Parking on nature strips is illegal - penalties apply"
(check with your local council, referring to state law - i.e. an Act to where this is 'claim' is referred to)

So, if you obtained a 'fine' from a person who parked their car like this:

(illustration of white Toyota speed camera equipped car parked on a nature strip)

or a fine from a person who is hiding their grey Mitsubishi behind some bins on a nature strip as shown in illustration below:

then should you choose to go to court over that matter you could ask the well versed at law magistrate or judicial registrar, who is at your service whether they support 'evidence' obtained illegally, referring to the relevant state law with regards to illegally obtained evidence.

Please note that a mobile speed camera operator is not a police officer, but rather an 'independent' contractor.

Should you choose to contest this type of fine in court, it would be to your benefit to obtain the owner's manual as part of evidence in order to ascertain whether the correct conditions were met that led to the allegation that a vehicle was speeding.

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