17 June 2021

Predators in the judiciary

While one cannot technically call magistrate Rodney Higgins a paedophile, it's behaviour like this that can easily be seen as predatory, given the fact that many women or more specifically young women are ‘forced’ into relationships with older men in positions of power.

Ashleigh Petrie now cannot  confirm nor deny his actions that can be seen as predatory, nor are many other women prepared to publicly state the same as their careers and livelihood and families can be put at risk.

Quite simply put men in positions of power, force themselves on the much younger female victims for sexual favours where if the victim comes out, then she will be financially ruined, with the added bonus of a character assassination by their the media or the court.

This is not new, where this ‘problem’ has been going on for quite some time in Australia.

Vile humans of this calibre need to be removed from positions of power, but it is generally accepted that since it has not occurred, it will not occur in any immediate future as the brotherhood protects its ‘kind’.

To make matters worse he 'stole' his victim's superannuation that was allocated to her mother.

And he was in charge of your matter?

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