14 June 2021

Queen’s Birthday celebration a LIE, ‘Queen of Australia’ another LIE, House of Windsor a LIE

There is no such lawful entity as the ‘Queen of Australia’.

The people of Australia are being conned from the top to the bottom (foot soldiers) by the authorities.

For starters the so called Queen’s Birthday in 2021, occurs on the 14th of Jun, 27 Sep, 4 Oct all over the Australia.

This does not match up to any other monarch's birthday with regards to the history of the federated colony of even before.

Queen Victoria’s birthday was on 24 May, successor Edward VII 9 Nov,  George V 3 June, Edward VIII 23 June, George V 14 Dec, Elizabeth II 21 Apr.

Of course there’s an excuse for everything, including the 3 different dates.

Quite simply, the people in government lie, they lie to you (the general population) a LOT, where one of the biggest lies is the legal one called the ‘Queen of Australia’.

The people in government know about this and to make it worse, the judiciary are perpetuating this lie, conning the 'customers' of a corrupt legal business, that is referred to as the justice 'system'.

See a concise explanation in the following seven minute video:


House of ‘Windsor’, meh.

Why the fake name, why not the real lineage, Guelph?

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