30 August 2021

Government can modify your posts where you are ultimately still liable?

The Australian Government has kicked it’s authoritarian state régime into full swing.

This is far from a ‘conspiracy theory’ but rather now entrenched into legislation.

So, if you post something online, the government can now “disrupt data by modifying, adding, copying or deleting in order to frustrate the commission of serious offences online”

Apparently protests in Australia are now deemed illegal, by the authorities.

Can anyone point us to a lawfully enacted Act that states this?

So now your online communications about attending a protest can be modified by persons in government, where they can write whatever they want, where you will be personally responsible?

The legislation was passed by BOTH houses.

So called ‘democracy’ is DEAD in Australia.

Remember that as time goes on, your actions/movements become more and more 'illegal'.

See the legislation at:


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