22 February 2022

EXPOSED: 'New Australians' conned by the AEC

Sometimes it's great being a newbie and other times it's not.

In some industries a new recruit or apprentice may have been given the harmless instructions to go to the local hardware store to purchase a long wait (or rather weight).

In the "good ol' days" some pranks have even ended up in harm or injury.

Keeping in mind that the government is not immune from conning the people too.

In fact the people in government con the masses every single day, but that's another topic altogether.

What the general population do not know is how migrants are greeted by those in government.

We obtained information with regards to a fresh, brand new off the boat (plane really) load of Aussies.

A totally different experience than from a couple of generations ago.

Today, when they get their welcome pack, they are 'told' that they cannot leave, or rather that they 'must' fill out an enrollment form, from the AEC (Australian Electoral Commission).

In Australia you have the right to vote, where many are misguided that it is compulsory to vote.

The fraudulent action by those in government is that the 'New Australians' where not told that they have a choice to vote and would they consent to participating in this action.

Quite simply put this is electoral fraud committed by the AEC.

As you know nothing really happens until it's taken to court.

So, the $64,000 question is:

Do you know any hot off the press 'New Australians' that are prepared to take the AEC to court?

Just a reminder that before 1973, when imported 'ethnics' became an Aussies they became:

"a subject of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second and a citizen of the Commonwealth of Australia..."

Does this still hold true today?

If not why?

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