28 October 2022

Australia’s crime: not allowing UN inspectors in on Human Rights abuse

The colony called Australia is a crime scene.

The colonialists in office have been misbehaving since the 1800’s where the imperial government had enough of the ‘rascals and outlaws’ (in office) and installed the Colonial Laws Validity Act in 1865.

That didn’t deter the scoundrels in government where the democratic process of law making was removed in the land of the Queen, ie Queensland unconstitutionally in 1922, with the removal of the ‘upper house’ even though it was against the referendum result.

What did people do about it? Nothing.

Australia or rather the people in this machine we call the ‘Australian Government’ are human rights abusers, where they ‘just’ have to be caught out, that’s all.

So. the UN came knocking on the colony’s doors, where they were forbidden entry to certain premises where human rights abuse was taking place.

That action is a (Commonwealth)  criminal offence.

In front of the world stage, what’s going to be done about it?

Most likely nothing.

That’s life in a (penal) colony.

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