29 October 2022

Data breaches so last millennium, what’s next on the agenda?

Data breaches have been going on since the beginning of the internet.

MANY corporations have been hiding their data breach not only from the public but also from their ‘stakeholders’ in attempts to give the false impression that the data held on their computer systems is safe, so that they would not suffer financial loss if stakeholders or customers would find out.

It is only in recent times that the breaches have been documented in the public news media, where the commoners have been made aware of this as a result of new disclosure law in place

In Australia it is mandatory for corporations to disclose a data breach as soon as they are aware of it, despite this many still do no follow the law.

Does the government fine them?

Is this another deliberately set up ‘toothless’ watchdog in order to deceive the taxpayers that something is done for their good?

The next major ‘hacking’ or rather unlawful / unauthorised entry into systems event is coming up that being into IoT (Internet of Things) devices.

The push now is for consumers to have ‘everything’ connected to the internet, obviously for their benefit and not more data collection right?

From toasters, fridges why not kettles or even USB powered coffee mug warmers, or even your shoe laces, the ‘Internet of Things’ is growing exponentially, where those devices are (deliberately?) insecure and therefore a disaster is in the making.

See video:

Could someone override your IoT connected kettle's tempereature shut off sensor and start a fire in your home?

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