10 December 2010

Power company outsmated - Fraud

Meet the backyard boffin who developed his own computer program to turn the tables on the big power companies. After suspecting he was being ripped off he analyzed his own meter - and is claiming every bill they sent him was wrong.

You can download a free trial, or purchase the program for $99.95 at the website below -

However it is important to note that its results can not be used to claim a refund from your energy provider.

From the article :


ninemsn.com.au 6 Dec 2010

Here is another media article, that has a 'slight' inaccuracy.

The unnamed power company, has issued a FRAUDULENT BILL.

IF an individual claims a fraudulent amount i.e. produces a fraudulent receipt, and is found out criminal proceedings are taken against them.

IF an individual does not pay to a company, legal action can be taken, and a criminal proceedings, including jail are a real option.

The video also mentions that you as a consumer cannot make the electricity company pay you back for the difference of the fraudulent bill they sent you.

The legal system is deliberately set up to the detriment of general populous, with no repercussions against the companies involved.

This is deliberate consumer Rip off at its best.

The suggestion to change from the company, made by the presenter is nothing more than a farce.

The suggestion to take legal action would be more appropriate, but you cannot say that in the Australia's biased mass media.

Download the Electricity Meter Analyzer

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